The industrial sector has picked up steam which has been highlighted by the pre let of a large shed on the Suttons Business Park, Reading to Brakes Group, a food supplier, the largest of its type ever in the town.
The deal, through Haslams and Lambert Smith Hampton (LSH), means Standard Life Investments will develop the 19,230 sq.m.distribution and storage unit as a chilled warehouse. Philip Hunter of LSH commented: “This deal alone equates to more than 60% of the total industrial space transacted in Reading last year. For large industrial occupiers, the shortage of big sheds poses a very real challenge when it comes to acquiring new premises.”
Haslams’Neil Seager said: “Brakes’ acquisition of this new facility is an important transaction, both for Reading and the wider Thames Valley industrial market. Not only does it mark the largest deal of its type, but it sees the arrival of a major new occupier to the town.”
Another major scheme in Reading sees Royal Mail seeking a developer to buy a 69,675 sq.m. mixed use scheme on the 6 acre site of a former sorting hub. Royal Mail has planning permission for a scheme which would have 370 homes, offices, shops, restaurants and a hotel. Martin Gafsen of Royal Mail commented: “We have a strong track record in using theproceeds from the disposal of surplus property to invest in the mail operation.” Meanwhile, the office take up in Reading recorded a 116% increase to 17,191 sq.m. in the first half year compared with the same period of 2010, reports Stephen Head of Hicks Baker. He added that: “There are concerns that continuing economic uncertainty and fragile business confidence is slowing the rate of deals in the pipeline and this means the market may struggle to match the total take up of 2010.”
Head notes that the outcome will depend on the major enquiries in the market, such as Reading Borough Council and ING. He added that: “The market is relying on at least one of these ‘trophy deals’ coming to fruition in the next few months. We have to consider this (the take up in 2011) in context and remind ourselves that 2010 was already a considerable improvement on and 150% up on 2009.” The council’s decision should come in October. ING is looking for around 8,361 sq.m, more than it occupies in Reading at the moment where the lease ends in 2014.
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