Sheffield City Region project. It fits with past success in pushing regeneration and continues the policy of boosting economic growth and becoming a catalyst
for attracting investment. Part of the project is the
construction of the Finningley and Rossington Regeneration Route Scheme (FARRRS) which is
the infrastructure needed to unlock the project.
Peter Dale of Doncaster Council commented: “This is tremendous news for Doncaster and the Gateway has the potential to deliver approaching 24,000 jobs in the area. The fact that we have received double the average successful bid of £9 million clearly demonstrates the confidence the Government has in Doncaster to deliver such an important scheme.”
One of the vital parts of the Gateway project is the expansion of Robin Hood Airport. Nigel Brewster, Doncaster Chamber President and Local Enterprise Partnership Board Member, said: “Improving access to the airport will have a transformational effect on the whole City Region. We must now capitalise on this
by encouraging local businesses to trade internationally and encourage new investors to locate on the airport business park and other key sites within the City Region.” Brewster said a particular objective of the chamber was to “create significant positive momentum for economic growth in the area.”
The airport, which is owned by Peel, is considered to have considerable potential for increasing freight traffic and as a location for business parks. Howard Gannaway, also of the Chamber, said: “The next
opportunity for the City Region will be around Enterprise Zones; we hope this announcement will
dovetail neatly with any proposals to create additional opportunities for the area.”
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