As far as Sir Terry is concerned “Ashford could become one of the country’s most prosperous and dynamic towns, helped by the Eurostar rail link effectively providing a gateway for Europe.” That also means that the town has many of the qualities that Sir Terry feels create a strong and vibrant community. In the case of Folkestone, Terry Farrell & Partners will draw up plans for the harbour and seafront in a residential led project which will have large elements of public and mixed use space. The initial effort has been to hold an exhibition and public consultations.
Sir Terry said: “Now is the time to bring about the renaissance of Kent’s coastal towns. Thanks to the high speed rail link connecting with Europe, Folkestone is less than an hour away from London making it perfectly placed for growth.” Trevor Minter of the harbour company said: “The proposal will deliver significant benefits to the public realm and create an attractive seafront environment.” The company is owned by Roger de Haan, whose family built upthe largest employers in the town, Saga. His charitable trust has been buying up and improving properties since he purchased the company from Sea Containers for £11 million. His focus is on an arts led regeneration and the town has seen a variety of events, including public sculpture.
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